Page 105 - ICD AR21 EN
P. 105

                                13 OTHER ASSETS
Positive fair value of Islamic derivative financial instrument (note a)
Due from related parties (note 21.3) Accrued income
Advances to employees
Unamortised portion of Sukuk issuance cost Other receivables
Less: allowance for credit losses (note 23)
9,625,081 16,814,801 8,117,563 4,001,171 4,083,273
50,363,275 (2,701,219)
10,552,558 10,139,826 16,653,303
8,126,057 3,231,426 4,075,772
52,778,942 (3,525,696)
    31 December 2021 USD
   31 December 2020 USD
  (a) The Islamic derivative financial instruments represent foreign currency forwards and swaps’ contracts. The forward and cross currency profit rate swaps are used as economic hedges to mitigate the risk of currency fluctuation for placements with financial institutions, Sukuk investments, financing assets and Sukuk issued. Profit rate swaps are held to mitigate the effects of the fluctuation in the changes in the cost of financing by matching the floating rate financing with floating rate income. The Corporation has not designated these instruments in a hedging relationship and, therefore, does not follow hedge accounting requirements of the relevant standards. Included
in the table below is the positive and negative fair values of Islamic derivative financial instruments, together with their notional amounts:
 Islamic derivative financial instrument
    Notional amount USD
  Positive fair value USD
   Negative fair value USD
  Cross currency swaps
Profit rate swaps
Forward contracts       56,906,930   5,310,760   2,600
235,235,907 144,116,667
2,410,626   198,444 -   4,357,705
    31 December 2021
  Islamic derivative financial instrument
    Notional amount USD
  Positive fair value USD
   Negative fair value USD
  Cross currency swaps
Profit rate swaps
Forward contracts       126,998,317   4,563,298   507,152
In addition to above, the Corporation entered into cross currency swaps and forward contracts on behalf of Arab Bank for Economic Development for Africa (BADEA) through a master agreement dated 13 June 2016. The notional value of such swaps is USD 37,891,102.3 million (31 December 2020: USD 50.67 million).
335,319,077 225,785,000
5,989,260   4,640,961 -   9,222,027
    31 December 2020

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